Monday, January 16, 2012

It is Official!

The habit has been kicked!!! Yeah, no more pacifier!!! I really started to feel like we would have to do it soon. If Baby K comes in May and is a pacifier baby and we tried to kick the habit too close to her arrival we might have a relapse. I think with her anticipated arrival being four months out, we are safe!
Big Girl J has been slightly obsessing about her birthday. It is three months away, well more like two and a half now. However, that doesn't stop her from asking daily how many more months till her birthday!
I had a  theme idea back in the fall, possibly before Thanksgiving, and told her about it. She was so excited, and that excitement has not faded at all! I think that means I have picked a good theme. One that really fits her. We are going with a 'super hero' theme! I suggested to her that we could make capes for all of her friends. This was suggested before I realized that my sewing machine had been packed up and stored in the in-laws basement! This should be some very easy, simple stitching, however getting to the foot pedal and accessories will probably be the difficult part.
I will go into more details about the party plans as we get closer, but I am getting a bit excited myself!
As a rewind, side note, our house is currently on the market. We put it on the market just over three months ago, so the reference to 'packed up' was the de-cluttering of the house. I made multiple comments of how we needed to make sure certain things stayed reachable, but when multiple trips had been made, boxes that were once reachable, are no longer. I have already had to go digging three times, and now to get my sewing machine, four. Oh well, I guess we can consider this a lesson learned.

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