Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Funny Thing About Santa

Yesterday Big Girl J had Santa visit her preschool. Last year the preschool brought in a guy from outside of the preschool. This year I am on the board so I know that our Santa(s) were a couple of dads that were volunteered by their wives who are on the board. They arranged the days so the dad wasn't Santa for his own kid. I had dropped off Big Girl J and was going to leave Little Miss O with a mom who was staying until Santa showed up, this way I can take my big and little boxes to the post office with no kids. Since it almost didn't happen for me to take in all the boxes at once I am very glad that I found a way to go with out the kids.
Back to Santa, I walked in to the office where his wife is on the phone and I hear her say, "And he is still going to give you a ticket in your suit and all?!"
I draw the conclusion that Santa has been pulled over, and forgive but I laughed so hard. Because what police office can give Santa a ticket. I am not laughing about Santa speeding, in a school zone, but the situation. It kind of made my day in a sick way, only because to start my day laughing that hard always makes it a good day. To find out later, the police officer did not want to end up on the naughty list, so he let Santa go with a warning. As his wife commented, an early Christmas gift of not having a 4 point ticket and $200 fine. I agree, but really I am glad he didn't get a ticket, he was a good Santa and probably because he was in such a good mood for not getting an early morning ticket!

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